Cloud Linux Services
CloudLinux is designed to enhance the performance and uptime of servers by creating a virtual environment for every account on the server. It uses a kernel level technology referred to as Lightweight Virtual Environment(LVE) that limits various resources such as CPU, RAM, IO etc. It sets the limits on a per user basis and if a particular account exploits resources than allotted, cloudlinux will deny it so as to not affect the other users on the server. CloudLinux helps to improve profit per physical server aiding the growth of the business. CloudLinux provides better stability and you will have less support calls with issues. CloudLinux cuts down your cost to support for a shared hosting environment.
It allows web hosting providers to have a more stable environment, thereby reducing load and increasing number of accounts on the server. We can easily convert the existing Centos server to Cloudlinux by using a set of commands and it can be installed using standalone iso too. CloudLinux provides plugins for most hosting control panels like cPanel, plesk etc, which can be used to manage resources assigned to each accounts from hosting panel itself. There are many add ons available with CloudLinux which are used to further enhance the capability of it. For instance, CageFS is employed to prevent hacking issues by limiting access to major configuration files and binaries. Another addon named php-selector helps the end user to pick different php version and modules based on their requirement.
Cloud Linux Services at Quintet
Tenant Isolation
All the tenants on the server are isolated from each other, so even if one goes down, rest will be still safe and stable.
Resource Limits
The CloudLinux utilizes kernel technology to allocate resource limits for each tenant
Multiple PHP versions
With CloudLinux your customers will be able to choose from the PHP versions based on their need.
Convert from CentOS and RHEL
Converting from CentOS and RHEL will take upto 10 minutes using yum. Immediately puts your customers in isolation for better stability.
Fast Security Patches
Security Patches are released fast to keep you and your customers safe
24/7 Support
There is always 24/7 support available to answer your questions
MySQL Governor
MySQL is one of the main causes of issues on a shared server. The software monitors prevent throttle abusers by monitoring MYSQL usage and prevents them from overloading the server, improving overall stability and performance.
Hardened Kernel
It can protect against symlink attacks , trace exploits and restrict visibility of Profs to only what is necessary thereby making your servers more secure.
Application Resource Limits.
Set individual limits on your apps and websites so that a sudden spike will not take down the rest of your properties.
Related Services that we provide
Control panel for your web hosting
Compatible with most of all version of ubuntu, debian, redhat, centOS, freeBSD, etc. DirectAdmin is a popular web hosting control panel. It has all the advanced features to support your business and the server Engineers here at Quintet can setup your servers with DirectAdmin and even support your end customer by sorting out their issues.
R1soft Backup & Support Services
R1Soft protects your data by using replication and synchronization over the network storing point-in-time snapshots in disk-based storage. Our server Engineers at Quintet make sure, your applications, files, and data backups are complete and secured and at the same time, easy to restore.
Salesforce Integration Services
Salesforce is a suite of CRM products that work hand in hand to make an enterprise’s function more effective and profitable. Quintet helps your organization to increase your productivity multiple fold thereby improving your customer’s satisfaction by integrating salesforce.
Ubersmith for customer support and datacenter automation
Billing, customer support and datacenter automation made easier for Datacenters to mid-sized companies. Quintet can help to set up Ubermith PRO or Ubersmith DE to manage billing, customer support, data center resources, domain registrations etc. All in one account manager, helpdesk and order management system.
Php live Integration Services
PHP Live! enables live chat communication with your website visitors. Quintet helps you to utilize various chat features like Chat transfer, operator to operator chat, Chat request routing, Simultaneous chat request routing etc phplive has to offer by installing and configuring it as required.
Customer Support Services
Quintet provides you dedicated 24/7/365 support services for clients. Our Customer support techs are well versed with all the popular ticketing or Live chat systems in the market. We also have unparalleled infrastructure with enough power backup and robust high speed multiple internet connections.
Server Management Services
Quintet offers you proactive server management services that combine with expert advice with essential server management tasks to keep your business online. We manage all aspects of your servers day-to-day operations. With us you are covered for installations, maintenance, OS updates, troubleshooting, monitoring and much more. 24/7/365 days of Support assured !