Web Development Services using MooTools
MooTools refers to My Object-Oriented Tools and it is a lightweight, object-oriented, JavaScript framework. This Object-Oriented JavaScript framework allows us to write more flexible and browser independent code with its well documented and consistent API. MooTools is very good modular framework which helps us to choose our own customized combination of components. It helps in making the JavaScript code browser independent.
MooTools helps in creating exciting animations within the web applications using their javascript effects. MooTools also offers some additional classes that extends the MooTools core library. These additional classes are generally referred to as Mootool Plugins. This plugins provides better User Interface. Our MooTools developers work closely with our UX engineers to give the best of both.
Web Development Services using MooTools in Quintet
In Quintet, Our JavaScript developers who have expertise in MooTools make efficient integration of MooTools to web applications. If you already have a website built using MooTools we can help to enhance or maintain the same very cost effectively. Integrating MooTools can definitely add more interactive features to your website which can exponentially increase the number of visitors and we are more than happy to get this realised.
How your company will benefit by using MooTools
The greatest advantage of MooTools is that it is object oriented. Code reusability and greater modularity are the highlights that makes development using MooTools an enjoyable task. MooTools is licensed under Open Source MIT license which allows to edit and distribute freely. It also supports all the modern browsers.
MooTools supports different plugins with their applications. Forms are unavoidable parts in a web pages. Form validations plugin is one of the simplest MooTools plugins. Here the plugin provides form with validations without any page refresh. Quintet has a team of MooTools plugin creation experts and we are ready to develop plugins based on your need and also ready to integrate an existing plugin to your application.
MooTools helps to add multiple events to html elements with easy code handling. It supports all type of event handlers. Our developers are experts in MooTools event handling and integration.
Slick is the new selector engine of MooTools. It supports many css selectors. Slick also helps to implement reversed combinators, that are combinators with the reverse of their original.
Drag and Drop
MooTools provides easy drag and drop handlers. MooTools drag and drop helps to make your application more interactive. We offer easy integration of these drag and drop methods to your application.
MooTools supports different effects with their powerful fx class. The fx class supports different animations including morphing, sliding and sorting. And also possible to implement different transition methods with your applications without any effort.
Basic XHR request handling class in MooTools. Supports subclasses for handling html and json data contents. Quintet offers less time consuming and efficient request handling through the MooTools request.
Related Services that we provide
Smarty Template Engine Integration Services
Smarty is a simple, lightweight and easy to understand template engine with a caching system to increase the server performance. Our developers are really good at building smarty plugins and to extend smarty templating engine capabilities according to your custom requirement.
CodeIgniter Development Services
Codeigniter helps the developers with separation of logic and presentation, being a model-view-controller based system. Quintet helps you to implement best web applications as per your business needs by following standard coding rules and strict guidelines.
Javascript Programming Services
Javascript is the most widely used client side programming language. At Quintet our team can certainly improve your website performance and user experience by implementing their extensive experience in working with javascript and front end web development.
HTML5 Development Services
HTML5 has the ability to draw on a canvas, play videos, design better forms, geolocation, build web applications and more that can work offline. Quintet has huge experience in developing Rich Internet Applications that conform to web 2.0 standards for the desktop as well as mobile platforms.
Sencha Development Services
Sencha helps us to create development frameworks and tools that is used to design, develop, deploy desktop and mobile applications. At Quintet we can create rich applications using Sencha SDKs which will fulfill your requirements meeting each and every specifications.
Script.aculo.us Development Services
Effects like, drag and drop, fade in, fade out etc. have improved the user interface of the websites. Script.aculo.us helps us to achieve these with ease. Quintet provides development services using Script.aculo.us to make your website more dynamic with visual effects.
Web Development Services
Quintet is a Web Design company which is dedicated to providing customers all around the world with the latest best-of-class feature rich web sites for presenting your products and services. Creating the best web applications with uncompromising usability, security, scalability and reliability using the latest technologies is our speciality.
Server Management Services
Quintet offers you proactive server management services that combine with expert advice with essential server management tasks to keep your business online. We manage all aspects of your servers day-to-day operations. With us you are covered for installations, maintenance, OS updates, troubleshooting, monitoring and much more. 24/7/365 days of Support assured !