jQuery Integration Services
jQuery is a very popular javascript library which optimizes time for development and remarkable improve productivity. jQuery is a large javascript library which provides additional functions which is very easy to use and simplifies the burden of supporting multiple platforms and web browsers. jQuery is also backed by huge open source community and provides comprehensive documentation. The functionality of jquery can be improved by using plugins. jQuery library is lightweight and plugin size is only around 30KB. jQuery also provides a library called jquery mobile which is used for developing responsive websites for mobile browsers. This library consists of components those are specifically designed to use with mobile devices.
jQuery Integration Services at Quintet
We have expertise in development in jquery along with other front end technologies. We have used jQuery extensively in our web based projects. jQuery reduces the development time which makes it recommendable for time bound projects. jQuery plugins are used to add additional functionalities and widgets to websites. Our developers have hands on experience in jquery features like DOM management to make dynamic modifications to website.
jQuery services we offer
Jquery Integration
We have used JQuery library in several websites to increase it’s functionality and ease of integration. Jquery library helps us to have immense amount of working hours, compared to using Javascript without any library. We have used features like animation and advanced element selection to optimize user experience. Jquery make DOM elements easy to manage, which is one of the few advantages of jQuery which our developers make use to improve user experience.
jQuery plugin development
The functionality of jQuery can be enhanced by the means of plugins. Creating image sliders, adding custom animations, optimizing user inputs etc are some the purposes of jQuery plugins. If you are an online service provider, letting your users integrate your service on their website is important and this can be done by providing custom jQuery plugin. The custom plugin created, will go through rigorous testing process to make sure that it works flawlessly across various device platforms and web browsers.
jQuery performance optimisation
jQuery has been widely used in most of the modern websites. In some cases inefficient usage of jquery and plugins can create performance bottlenecks. This can significantly affect users with fewer system resources. Our professionals can detect these bottlenecks and make appropriate changes to optimize performance. This includes usage of proper element selectors and using chaining while manipulating DOM.
jQuery mobile application development
jQuery provides a library optimized for mobile web application development. jQuery mobile library supports multiple devices platforms. During the integration process we the customization option is made use to ensure that library file has the least file size possible. jQuery mobile provides an option called themeRoller which helps to make custom skin and branding. jQuery mobile also include navigations system which use ajax to update content on page and update response to the webpage. We have used jquery mobile library to websites those are specifically created to mobile devices.
Ajax driven web application development
Modern websites leverage the potential of ajax to develop applications which responds faster to user interactions. This reduces the need for completely repainting the page and it reduces the response time which can significantly improve user experience. Ajax driven web applications reduces data transfer significantly. Our developers are experienced in developing ajax driven web applications using jQuery with the support of other Javascript frameworks like Angular JS.
Related Services that we provide
CSS3 Development Services
CSS3 is a powerful and fully compatible language that specifies style formatting of a document written in a markup language. It is widely used for building Web pages. At Quintet our CSS development team implement their expertise to create beautiful user interfaces.
HTML5 Development Services
HTML5 has the ability to draw on a canvas, play videos, design better forms, geolocation, build web applications and more that can work offline. Quintet has huge experience in developing Rich Internet Applications that conform to web 2.0 standards for the desktop as well as mobile platforms.
PHP Development Services
The main advantages of PHP is that its free, time saving , open source, lightweight, cross platform compatible, high performance and secure. At Quintet we choose the right PHP framework and the database for high scalability and performance during the project design phase itself for our clients.
Wordpress Development Services
WordPress is the most prestigious and established content management system and blogging platform based on PHP and MySQL. This free and open source platform helps in building dynamic and customized websites or blogs. Get your website developed in wordpress at Quintet.
Ruby On Rails Development
The main objective of Ruby on Rails is to develop web solutions quickly without much hassle for the developer to worry about the core backend. We at Quintet have vast experience in Agile Web development using RoR and thus can deliver your app in the requested time frame.
Highchart integration Services
Highchart is a pure javascript library offering intuitive, interactive charts like bar, pie, donut, spline etc. to your website or web application. With a simple javascript object, developers can create different kind of charts. Quintet helps you to benefit all the features of highcharts by integrating it for you.
Fusion Chart Integration Services
FusionCharts is highly customizable and feature rich javascript data visualisation library. Our developers at Quintet are experts in a wide range of server side scripting languages and will help to integrate FusionCharts into your web applications.
Web Development Services
Quintet is a Web Design company which is dedicated to providing customers all around the world with the latest best-of-class feature rich web sites for presenting your products and services. Creating the best web applications with uncompromising usability, security, scalability and reliability using the latest technologies is our speciality.
Server Management Services
Quintet offers you proactive server management services that combine with expert advice with essential server management tasks to keep your business online. We manage all aspects of your servers day-to-day operations. With us you are covered for installations, maintenance, OS updates, troubleshooting, monitoring and much more. 24/7/365 days of Support assured !