
cPanel Server Support Services

cPanel Server SupportcPanel is one of the most popular web hosting control panels which has a feature rich interface and has the perfect tools to manage the hosted website. cPanel can be installed on CentOS, RHEL and CloudLinux and it works like a charm on shared servers, dedicated servers and virtual private servers. cPanel has application support for Apache, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Perl, and BIND (DNS) and mail server support for POP3, IMAP,SMTP services. cPanel provides end user interface as well as server management interface WHM via which resellers or root users can manage the settings for cPanel and can customize the packages that can be made available for the end user (cPanel)

cPanel is one of the best linux based web hosting control panel providing graphical interface with tools for automation with a simple design which meets different purposes for hosting a web site. cPanel is built on a 3 tier structure which provides capabilities for end-users of websites and help them on the various hosting tasks on the server.

cPanel services we offer at Quintet

We provide the best in class support for cPanel servers. Quintet Solutions offers all kinds of support for cPanel starting from installation, configuration, upgradation, maintenance to administering your servers. Our expertise in creating custom scripts and plugin for cpanel can help you add advanced and automated processes to accomplish custom requirements.

cPanel installation and configurations

Our team has expertise in cPanel installations. We can get it setup with basic or advanced configurations as well as install security tools to for server hardening.

cPanel server monitoring 24/7

We have a team of experienced Engineers working around the clock who can take care of your cPanel servers. You can avoid the trouble of managing a team at your office and rest assured your servers are being watched.

Maintaining cPanel backups

We can have cPanel backup setup for you either using the default options provided in the control panel or custom scripts as per requirement. We can even help you sync your backup with any remote location with our custom scripts.

Applying cPanel updates and patches

cPanel comes up with regular updates and patches in regular intervals to keep the security intact. We can get these patches and updates applied on your servers without impacting the services running on the servers promptly.

cPanel server migrations

Our server engineers are experts in cPanel migrations. We can help you achieve seamless migration of files, database, mails, server settings, IP addresses etc. so that it will not affect your business. Necessary actions will be taken to cover all the post migration issues that could come up with perfect anticipation.

cPanel API

Our team of experts can help you develop custom solutions using Cpanel API which will help you enhance your system with complex features.

cPanel custom scripts

Our cPanel experts can assist you with the custom scripts of various cPanel module installations and configurations

cPanel R1soft integrations

We can help you maintain your backups securely using the R1soft Backups. We provide both installations and configurations for maintaining remote cPanel backups.

cPanel plugins and 3rd party software installation

Our cPanel experts can help you with the installations of 3rd party softwares like Softaculous, IP Manager, WHMreseller, WHMCS, etc. which will definitely help you to manage your hosting services more efficiently and productively.

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