Flickr api integration Services
Flickr is one of the largest photo and video managing website from Yahoo.
Flickr members can upload photos, share through their network and tag people in their photo. They provide different methods for organizing photos through their detailed api documentation
and certain permission details with each api call. The flickr api integration creates simplest way of interaction to the world of photos from your application.
Flickr api integration Services at Quintet
Quintet offers efficient flickr api integration, and also implement required updates corresponding to any changes in the API. With proper care, we apply the best methods of code optimization and error handling to your application.
Flickr api services
Camera details
Flickr api returns camera related details including all top camera brands and top models for a given camera brand. It is an easy method selecting cameras and comparing them.
Photos Handling
Flickr provides photo uploading, deleting, searching and tagging operations with their api. Quintet team offers one of the best photo uploaders with regular bandwidth checking. It provides secure code by applying best authorization methods. Flickr api is able to provide informations including photo’s location details.
User and User activities
Flickr supports wide range of user interaction methods and recent activities with their api. Here the api shows, all recent activity of user’s photos and details about the photos commented on by the user. Only authorized user’s recent activities are returned through this api call.
Flickr api offers options for blogs. The api helps to upload photos to the blog and returns flickr supported blog services. Users can upload photos from your website to blog which is the key advantage of the blog api.
Photo collections and favorites
Flickr shows details regarding flickr collections and user favorites through its api. Collection details can be arranged with single collection details or a given user’s collection details and list favorites of a given user. Flickr also provides photo management operations including create and remove actions.
Flickr provides gallery creation and manipulations using the api calls. We provide efficient methods of photo uploading, sorting list of user galleries and listing photos in a given gallery to users with the flickr api integration. User can add gallery wise photo arrangement from their application.
Flickr supports group activity management with their api. User can add, delete or edit the flickr group from their application’s interface, and also manage group comments and replies through the api.
You can integrate all the above said features to your website with the Flickr Website integration API’s . We, here at Quintet, are more than happy to help you.
Related Services that we provide
API Integration Services
Quintet has years of experience in creating and implementing APIs for multiple platforms. Our services include API Interface design, development and integration.We are proficient in API Integration of Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Paypal, Amazon and much more for your web applications, iOS and Android devices.
Linkedin Api Integration Services
Quintet offers offshore professionals who are experienced in LinkedIn API integration . We help you to integrate Linkedin's API Services and Linkedin's Plugins. Linkedin's social platform provides valuable information about businesses, employees, jobs and future prospects.
Twitter Api Integration Services
At Quintet we can help you get the maximum benefit by integrating the twitter API in your applications or websites. No matter who you are or what you do, the advantages to integrating Twitter into your website always has its advantages.
Facebook API Integration Services
Facebook is one of the largest online social media marketing platforms with billions of users who are potential sources of traffic for your websites.Our facebook api integration experts are also ready to develop or upgrade your existing application with our simple and efficient api integration techniques.
Mobile Development Services
Quintet helps you to tap the full potential of your business and makes you a leader in the apps market. We develop Stable and secure mobile apps for all types of mobile platforms iOS, Android, Blackberry . Come to us and let us build your high quality, smart and feature rich mobile applications.
Web Development Services
Quintet is a Web Design company which is dedicated to providing customers all around the world with the latest best-of-class feature rich web sites for presenting your products and services. Creating the best web applications with uncompromising usability, security, scalability and reliability using the latest technologies is our speciality.
UI/UX Designing Services
Our designers, are artists of the virtual world, who create user centric experiences that connect with customers instantly. Quintet has varied experience in designing for Websites, Desktops, Mobile applications and many interface components that span over multiple platforms and devices. We believe that design is far beyond than what's on screen.